1by Glenn D. Christman, Rosa I. León-Zayas, Rosa I. León-Zayas, Zarath M. Summers, Jennifer F. Biddle“... euhalobius, a known methylotrophic methanogen from a high salinity oil environment. Based on metabolic...”
Published 2020-09-01
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2“... in the Willamette Valley (OR, USA) adjust their production and marketing practices in response to the MW increase...”
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3“..., veterans, and professionals with high levels of stress. The goal of this review is to provide a thorough...”
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4by Aubri M. Kottek, Kristin S. Hoeft, Joel M. White, Kristen Simmons, Elizabeth A. Mertz“... care coordination by retraining existing administrative staff to coordinate the care of high-risk...”
Published 2021-04-01
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5“... as nonstationary and their mechanisms are yet to be fully understood. It remains highly challenging to accurately...”
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6“... SWAT. The extended model is tested for the Marys River, a western tributary of the Willamette River...”
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