A Behavioral Economics Perspective on the Formation and Effects of Privacy Risk Perceptions in the Context of Privacy-Invasive Information Systems
In recent years, more and more information systems are proliferating that gather, process and analyze data about the environment they are deployed in. This data oftentimes refers to individuals using these systems or being located in their surroundings, in which case it is referred to as personal in...
https://tuprints.ulb.tu-darmstadt.de/7304/1/Hendrik%20Brakemeier%20-%20A%20Behavioral%20Economics%20Perspective%20on%20Privacy%20Risks%20Perceptions%20v1.pdfBrakemeier, Hendrik <http://tuprints.ulb.tu-darmstadt.de/view/person/Brakemeier=3AHendrik=3A=3A.html> (2018): A Behavioral Economics Perspective on the Formation and Effects of Privacy Risk Perceptions in the Context of Privacy-Invasive Information Systems.Darmstadt, Technische Universität, [Ph.D. Thesis]