Summary: | The purpose of this research was to identify grade 12 learners’ present problemsolving
strategies, factors that hinder or promote these learners’ mastery of
problem-solving strategies in physics. The research used 54 learners and four
different research methods, namely documents review, questionnaire, interviews,
and observations.
A multiple choice questionnaire was used to find out learners’ understanding of the
concept “gravitational acceleration” and factors hindering acquisition. Learners
were asked to choose the correct option from a multiple choice questionnaire, and
to provide a reason for that option. After analyzing data from the questionnaire,
four learners were purposefully sampled for interviews and were continuously
The results of this study indicate that Grade 12 learners begin their problem-solving
by identifying the problem followed by listing given information and go on to
search and manipulate the equation until they find the solution.
The results also indicate that these learners do not have a clear understanding of the
concept ‘gravitational acceleration’. The following factors hinder the mastery of
problem-solving: (a) not understanding concept and principles of physics, (b)
learners’ lack of mathematical skills, (c) the learners’ application of algorithms in
problems that are conceptual and (d) learners’ lack of appropriate knowledge for
solving a problem, for example, lack of prior knowledge or content knowledge.