Ondersteuningstrategieë vir gedragsbevoegdheid by grondslagfaseleerders met aandagtekort/hiperaktiwiteitsversteuring
The main and primary goal of this study was to investigate support strategies which grade 3 foundation phase teachers identify and apply in their classroom set-up to promote in this way the behavioural competence of learners with attention-deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD). The second goal was to...
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Online Access: | http://hdl.handle.net/2263/56927 Wiese, R 2016, Ondersteuningstrategieë vir gedragsbevoegdheid by grondslagfaseleerders met aandagtekort/hiperaktiwiteitsversteuring, MEd Dissertation, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, viewed yymmdd <http://hdl.handle.net/2263/56927> |
Summary: | The main and primary goal of this study was to investigate support strategies which grade 3 foundation phase teachers identify and apply in their classroom set-up to promote in this way the behavioural competence of learners with attention-deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD). The second goal was to identify the behavioural traits of learners with ADHD, which influence teachers effective teaching and require support strategies. The third goal was to determine how the cognitive learning needs of learners with ADHD influence teachers teaching and to identify support strategies for them. The fourth goal was to determine how the emotional and social needs of learners with ADHD influence teachers teaching and to identify support strategies for them. The fifth goal was to identify effective support strategies for behavioural competence in a foundation phase classroom from the teachers perspective.
This research design has a qualitative approach from the teacher s field of experience and natural environment, namely the classroom, and the goal was to gather information. I employed a case study design with an interpretivist perspec-tive. Three schools in the east of Pretoria with their grade 3 foundation phase teachers were deliberately selected. I sought out variations of schools, namely a large state school which is parallel medium, a small state school which is parallel medium and a large private school which is dual medium. The schools selected had to have a foundation phase and grade 3 teachers and also had to inclusively accommodate learners with ADHD. The investigation focused on learners with an average IQ, where all the learners belonged to the same age group and received inclusive teaching in mainstream areas of learning.
The data-gathering and documentation consisted of a reflective research journal and semi-structured focus group interviews with the three schools Afrikaans and English grade 3 teachers in the staff rooms of the respective schools. I used a dictaphone during the focus group interviews and made an audio recording of the interviews, which were later transcribed in text. The data analysis consisted of breaking down the data into understandable themes where interpretation took place.
The findings from the study indicate that teachers pursue the curriculums and outcomes and that the learners who do not comply with standards, drop out or compensate through incompetent behaviour. Based on the findings, my conclusions are that teachers should shift the emphasis from the learner with ADHD behaviour to the nature of the support for these learners. With the necessary support strategies, these learners could achieve their full potential and actualise their academic performance at a higher level. Self-determination theory deals with the actualisation of human potential, development and wellbeing. Self-determination theory emphasises three basic psychological needs in people s self-motivation and healthy psychological growth, namely the need for competence (capability), relationships (affiliation) and independence (autonomy).
The study recommends appropriate support strategies for learning-oriented, emotional and social behavioural competence so that the teaching and learning situation can be more effective for teachers and for learners with ADHD, if teachers implement these support strategies. Schools and teachers who accommodate learners with ADHD would benefit from the practical recommendations made in this study. === Die hoof- en eerste doelwit van hierdie studie was om ondersteuningstrategieë te ondersoek wat graad 3-grondslagfase-onderwysers in hul klasopset identifiseer en toepas, om sodoende gedragsbevoegdheid van leerders met aandagtekort/ hiperaktiwiteitsversteuring (ATHV) te bevorder. Die tweede doelwit was om gedragskenmerke van leerders met ATHV te identifiseer wat onderwysers se effektiewe onderrig beïnvloed en ondersteuningstrategieë benodig. Die derde doelwit was om te bepaal hoe leerders met ATHV se kognitiewe leerbehoeftes onderwysers se onderrig beïnvloed en om ondersteuningstrategieë daarvoor te identifiseer. Die vierde doelwit was om te bepaal hoe leerders met ATHV se emosionele en sosiale behoeftes onderwysers se onderrig beïnvloed en om ondersteuningstrategieë daarvoor te identifiseer. Die vyfde doelwit was die identifisering van effektiewe ondersteuningstrategieë tot gedragsbevoegdheid in n grondslagfase-klaskamer, vanuit onderwysers se perspektief.
Hierdie navorsingsontwerp het n kwalitatiewe benadering vanuit die onderwyser se ervaringsveld en natuurlike omgewing, naamlik die klaskamer, en die doel is om inligting te versamel. Ek het van n gevallestudie met n interpretivistiese perspektief gebruik gemaak. Drie skole in die ooste van Pretoria met hul graad 3-grondslagfase-onderwysers is doelbewus gekies. Ek het variasies van skole uitgesoek, naamlik n groot staatskool wat parallelmedium is, n klein staatskool wat parallelmedium is en n groot privaatskool wat dubbelmedium is. Die skole wat gekies is, moes n grondslagfase en graad 3-onderwysers hê en moes leerders met ATHV inklusief akkommodeer. Die ondersoek het gefokus op leerders met n gemiddelde I.K., waar al die leerders tot dieselfde ouderdomsgroep behoort en inklusiewe onderrig in hoofstroomleerareas ontvang.
Die data-insameling en dokumentering het bestaan uit n reflektiewe navorsings-joernaal en semi-gestruktureerde fokusgroep-onderhoude met drie skole se Afri-kaanse en Engelse graad 3-onderwysers in die onderskeie skole se personeel-kamers. Ek het van n diktafoon gebruik gemaak tydens die fokusgroep-onderhoude en het n klankopname van die onderhoude gemaak wat later in teks getranskribeer is. Die data-analise behels die opbreek van data in verstaanbare temas waar interpretasie plaasvind.
Bevindinge uit die studie dui daarop dat onderwysers die kurrikulums en uitkomste najaag en dat die leerders wat nie aan standaarde voldoen nie, uitval of kompenseer deur onbevoegde gedrag. My gevolgtrekkings van bevindinge is dat onderwysers die klem moet verskuif vanaf die leerder met ATHV se onbevoegde gedrag, na die aard van hierdie leerders se ondersteuning. Hierdie leerders kan met die nodige ondersteuningstrategieë hul volle potensiaal bereik en hul akademie op n hoër vlak verwesenlik. Die selfdeterminasie-teorie handel oor die aktualisering van menslike potensiaal, ontwikkeling en welstand. Die self-determinasie-teorie beklemtoon drie basiese psigologiese behoeftes in mense se selfmotivering en gesonde sielkundige groei, naamlik die behoefte vir bevoegdheid (bekwaamheid), verhoudings (verwantskap) en selfstandigheid (outonomie).
Die studie beveel toepaslike ondersteuningstrategieë tot leergerigte, emosionele en sosiale gedragsbevoegdheid aan, sodat die onderrig- en leersituasie vir onderwysers en leerders met ATHV meer effektief kan wees indien hierdie ondersteuningstrategieë deur onderwysers geïmplementeer word. Skole en onderwysers wat leerders met ATHV akkommodeer sal baat vind by die praktiese aanbevelings wat in hierdie studie gemaak is. === Dissertation (MEd)--University of Pretoria, 2016. === tm2016 === Early Childhood Education === MEd === Unrestricted |