Die vennootskapskonsep in skoolonderwys in die RSA

Thesis (DPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. === ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The practice of partnership to the benefit of education is as old as education itself: Partners of education were involved in the most primitive societies. Partners are still of indispensable importance in postmodern societies. T...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Kleynscheldt, Rudolph Johannes
Other Authors: Du Plessis, W. S.
Format: Others
Published: Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University 2015
Online Access:http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/97515
Summary:Thesis (DPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. === ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The practice of partnership to the benefit of education is as old as education itself: Partners of education were involved in the most primitive societies. Partners are still of indispensable importance in postmodern societies. This study points out that the conventional partners to education (parent, church and state) have been of importance through the centuries and that partnership involvement should be of increasing importance in times to come. Concurrently, it has become necessary to involve new up-to-date supplementary education partners to address the numerous challenges in the field of education. The parent comes to light as the first and foremost partner in education and is therefore worthy of the connotation primary education partner. History illustrates how certain communities, due to specific perspectives on wond and life, ideologies and educational institutions, tried to scale down the functions of this partner. Nowhere, however, could it be achieved successfully, without serious harmful consequences for the child who is to be educated. The safety and security that the child experiences in the parental home and within the family structure is of the utmost importance for the young child. The proliferation in the number of parentiess children as a result of an increase in the divorce rate, family murders and especially the pandemic MI virus is alarming in this respect. Additional partners will have to be found to address the child's need of security. The anchor provided by participation in religious activities is likewise for the developing child of importance. In addition, the church, in the widest sense of its meaning, emphasizes certain norms and moral values. It provides programmes, which ensure to prevent the youths from derailment along dangerous and destructive routes. The church needs to be admitted and invited to be an essential partner. The state is justly being viewed as a chief partner to education and training, on account of its functions such as the funding of formal education, the provision of a general curriculum and the making of legislation governing education. This important position in the education partnership does not mean that the state should play the dominant role. It does not qualify the state to prescribe to the other partners how they should perform their roles. Partnership presupposes c0- operation and stringent prescriptions by the state would be unacceptable and counter-productive to the respective partners. The conventional partners will have to realise that each has a meaningful contribution to make, which cannot be substituted. by anyone of the others, A comparative study of partnership in Kenya, Cuba and Germany serves as a background study. In an ever-fast changing wortd in which extremely heavy demands are made to education and its partners, it is clear that new education partners have to be found to assist the school. The conventional partners are just not able to fulfit the task by themselves. This study identifies a number of supplementary partners that could, on account of the particular challenges facing· education in South Africa, make a valuable contribution. Partners deserve their position as partners due to the functional role that they could play at a specific stage in the ongoing process of education development. As times change, and new needs come into existence, other partners will have to be identified to support the existing, conventional partners. === AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die gebruik van vennote wat vir die opvoeding van waarde kan wees, is so oud soos die opvoeding self. Opvoedingsvennote het in die mees primitiewe samelewings voorgekom en is in die postmoderne samelewings steeds van onmisbare belang. Hierdie studie dui aan dat die konvensionele opvoedingsvennote (ouer, kerk, staat) deur die eeue van belang was en dat hul vennootskaplike deelname in die toekoms verhoog behoort te word. Terselfdertyd het dit nodig geword om nuwerwetse, supplementêre opvoedingsvennote te betrek om die talle uitdagings op onderwysgebied die hoof te bied. Die ouer tree na vore as die eerste en vernaamste opvoedingsvennoot en is as sodanig die benaming primêre opvoedingsvennoot waardig. Die geskiedenis toon aan hoedat sekere gemeenskappe op grond van bepaalde partikuliere wêreld- en lewensbeskouings, ideologieë en opvoedingsdoelstellings die rol van hierdie vennoot wou afskaal, maar dat dit nêrens sonder nadelige gevolge vir die opvoedeling gedoen kon word nie. Die veiligheid, sekuriteit en geborgenheid wat die kind in die ouerhuis en binne die gesinstruktuur beleef, is veral vir die jong kind van allergrootse belang. Die groter wordende getalouerlose kinders as gevolg van 'n toename in egskeidings, gesinsmoorde en veral die pandemiese MI-virus, is in hierdie verband kommerwekkend. Supptementêre vennote sal daarom gevind moet word om die kind se behoefte aan geborgenheid aan te spreek. Die verankerdheid wat deelname aan religieuse aktiwiteite bied, is eweneens vir die ontwikkelende kind van belang. Daarbenewens beklemtoon die kerk, in die wydste sin gedefinieer, sekere norme en morele waardes en voorsien hy programme wat verseker dat die jeug se vryetydsbesteding en drang na plesier nie op gevaarlike, afbrekende roetes ontspoor nie. Die kerk sal steeds as noodsaaklike opvoedingsvennoot toegelaat en uitgenooi moet word. Die staat word vanweë funksies soos die befondsing van formele onderwys, die daarstelling van 'n algemene kurrikulum en die neerlê van onderwyswetgewing met reg as hoofvennoot van die opvoeding, onderwys en opleiding beskou. Hierdie posisie in die vennootskap beteken nie dat die staat die oorheersende rol speel en aan ander vennote kan voorskryf hoedanig hul rolle sal wees nie. Vennootskap veronderstel samewerking en streng voorskriftelikhede sal vir medevennote onaanvaarbaar wees. Die konvensionele vennote sal moet besef dat elkeen se bydrae tot die opvoeding belangrik is en nie deur ander vennote vervang kan word nie. 'n Vergelykende studie van vennootskaplikheid in Kenia, Kuba en Duitsland dien as agtergrond tot die studie. In 'n wêreld wat vinnig en voortdurend verander en waar hoë eise aan die opvoeding en sy vennote gestel word, is dit duidelik dat nuwe opvoedingsvennote gevind sal moet word om bystand te ver1een. Die konvensionele vennote is gewoon nie in staat om die mas alleen op te kom nie. Hierdie studie identifiseer 'n aantal supplementêre vennote wat, op grond van die eiesoortige probleme wat in die Suid-Afrikaanse opvoeding ondervind word, van waarde sal kan wees. Soos tye verander en nuwe behoeftes ontstaan, sal ander vennote geïdentifiseer moet word om die konvensienete opvoedingsvennote te ondersteun.