Summary: | Thesis (M Speech Path)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. === ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study investigated: (1) the effect of two visual modalities (wordless picture book
and animated video) on the narratives of typically developing 9 year old children, and
(2) the effect of dynamic assessment on the quality of narratives in both visual
modalities. Twenty nine typically developing children between the ages of 8 years 5
months, and 9 years 4 months were selected from a higher socio-economic
population. Participants were exposed to a wordless picture book and an animated
video. Participants’ narrative performance was measured in terms of micro- and
macro-structure variables in each visual modality, and before and after dynamic
assessment in each visual modality. Micro-structure variables included productivity
(total number of words, total number of T-units), syntactic complexity (mean length
of T-unit) and lexical diversity measures (total number of different words). Macrostructure
variables included goal-attempt-outcome (GAO) sequences, and inclusion of
GAO elements (goal, attempt or outcome). Results indicated that: (i) both visual
modalities elicited narratives of similar quality in terms of micro- and macro-structure
variables, and (ii) participants’ narratives improved after dynamic assessment. === AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie het (1) die effek van twee visuele modaleite (‘n woordlose prentboek
en animasie video) op die narratiewe van tipiese ontwikkelende 9 jarige kinders
bestudeer, asook (2) die effek van dinamiese assessering op die kwaliteit van
narratiewe in beide visuele modaliteite. Nege-en-twintig tipiese ontwikkelende
kinders tussen die ouderdom van 8 jaar 5 maande, en 9 jaar 4 maande is vanuit ‘n hoër
sosio-ekonomiese populasie geselekteer. Deelnemers is blootgestel aan ‘n woordlose
prentboek en ‘n animasie video. Deelnemers se narratiefvaardighede ten opsigte van
mikro- and makro-struktuur veranderlikes in elke visuele modaliteit, asook voor en na
dinamiese assessering in elke visuele modaliteit is gemeet. Mikro-struktuur
veranderlikes het gefokus op produktiwiteit (totale aantal woorde, totale aantal Teenhede),
sintaktiese kompleksiteit (gemiddelde lengte van T-eenheid) and leksikale
diversiteit (totale aantal verskillende woorde). Makro-struktuur veranderlikes het
gefokus op doelwit-poging-uitkoms (DPU) strukture, en die insluiting van DPU
elemente (doelwit, poging of uitkoms). Die resultate het aangedui dat: (i) beide
visuele modaliteite narratiewe van soortgelyke kwaliteit in terme van mikro- en
makro-sruktuur veranderlikes ontlok het, en (ii) dat deelnemers se narratiewe verbeter
het na dinamiese assessering.