Summary: | Young people with autistic spectrum conditions (ASCs) attending mainstream schools are likely to experience lower levels of social inclusion than their typically developing peers. The study aimed to explore what helps the social inclusion of students with mild to moderate ASCs attending mainstream secondary schools. Using pragmatism as a guiding epistemological approach, the study was aimed at knowledge that has a purpose; that can lead to action. The purpose of the study was to help develop effective practice. The study was qualitative and used grounded theory as a research method which aims to capture the complexity of social phenomena. Research participants were young people with mild to moderate ASCs in years 8 or 9 of mainstream secondary schools, their parents, and school staff. Nine interviews were conducted drawing participants from school communities in one local authority. A grounded theory was developed which proposes that young people are active participants in their own social inclusion who choose strategies directed towards their social inclusion goals. A core concept in the theory was that valuing the young person and th eir contribution to the school community helps to empower them in their own social inclusion. Feeling va lued for their contribution can help young people manage their social identity and interaction. The grounded theory presented implies that school staff can contribute to the social inclusion of young people with ASC by valuing them, finding I ways for them to contribute, and ensuring that they feel valued. Attuned school staff who get to know individual young people with ASC help to involve them and promote their social self-effica cy. Motivational theories of psychology are proposed as providing helpful frameworks for EPs to consider the social and psychological needs of young people with ASC in mainstream secondary schools