Summary: | My dissertation explores how people are persuaded by narratives. The first essay is a
review of the literature over the past decade where I develop and then apply an overarching
framework to synthesize the empirical work that examine antecedents and consequences of
narrative persuasion as well as moderators and mediators that are involved in this process. In
the second essay, I adopt a structural equations approach to examine the process through
which consumers are persuaded by online consumer reviews, a common form of
consumer narrative. A review that reads like a narrative (story) is likely to evoke
transportation into that review, which affects persuasion-related outcomes. Across three
studies, I explore how variables identified in essay 1 and important to the persuasion-related
literature affect this process. In the third essay, I adopt an experimental approach to further
explore the process of reflection, which is introduced in essay one. I demonstrate that
this process is distinct from transportation, and that mediates the relationship between
transportation and persuasion-related outcomes. === Ph. D.