Summary: | Title: To sell the country of Lagom: a study of the Swedish Institute’s re-branding of Sweden and impact on the swedish citizens Authors: Rebecca Dahl & Ellinor Thungren Aim: The purpose of this thesis is to study the Swedish Institute’s branding of Sweden. We have explored if the branding is consistent with the picture that Swedes generally have of themselves and Sweden, and also looked at which consequences differences in this picture may have. Method/Material: Semiotic analysis and interview Main Results: The results of the thesis shows that SI’s branded image of Sweden agree with the picture that Swedes have of themselves and Sweden. However, there are some points where these two images differ, which may have impact on the population's self-image. Number of pages: 55 Course: Media and Communication studies C Department: Department of Informatics and Media University: Uppsala University Period: Autumn semester 14 Tutor: Anne-Marie Morhed