Summary: | The purpose of Det odefinierbara – en studie om gymnasielärares förhållande till värdegrunden, (The undefinable – a study about high school teachers and their relation to the basic values) is to gain an understanding on how teachers from different subjects define, and how they experience confrontation with the basic values and common principles stated in the regulatory documents. The study was made using a comparative qualitative method on a questionnaire survey that high school teachers answered from the perspective of the subject that they are teaching.The results indicate that teachers who have studied, and are teaching, humanities, more often experience confrontation with the basic values than teachers teaching other subjects. Also, the study shows that there is a common definition on what the basic values are even though the right of interpretation belongs to the individual. Furthermore, the study indicates that there is an expectation that subjects teaching humanities, especially the subject comparative religion, should handle confrontation with the basic values.