Summary: | In the past few years, the importance of global brand names has increased significantly for companies in the global market, global brand names are now considered as a fundamental constituent of the marketing field. The brand name represents a strong impact in the success of a product or service. Also, previous literature highlighted the relevance to investigate the relationship of the culture and competition regarding the global brand name strategy. Consequently, the purpose of the study is to investigate to what extent global companies consider factors affecting the global brand name strategy. The theoretical framework of the study is based on a model which examines the process of developing a global brand name strategy. In this part, we describe the two major factors affecting the global brand name strategy such as; the culture and the competition, the different brand name strategies as well as the notion of standardization and adaptation. A qualitative method is utilised in order to conduct this study. This choice of methodology is the most suitable one regarding the purpose of our research. The empirical data is composed by the primary data collected thanks to one interview and secondary data which was mostly gathered in companies’ websites and various articles. A cross-case analysis is applied and it makes it possible to compare two global companies. The analysis of empirical findings enables us to draw some conclusions which provide interesting knowledge to the research area of global brand name in international markets. Our findings reveal that global companies are generally aware that the culture, especially the language, and competition can affect their global brand name strategy. However, the degree of consideration differs regarding first on the global company's choices such as, the competitive advantage, the image and values of their global brand. Secondly, it also varies according to the company's situation as the number of competitors on the market and the number of languages they are confronted to. Keywords: global brand name strategy, global brand name, culture, language, competition.