Summary: | The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effectiveness of an eight-week
training program by comparing changes in four performance indicators: vertical jump,
peak power, agility and anaerobic power. An additional objective was to monitor the
adaptive process of each subject in the treatment group by quantifying the training
stimulus and measuring these adaptation indicators: fatigue, stress, sleep quality and
DOMS, via a daily training log. The treatment group, (n= 10) completed an eight-week
pre-season plan, which emphasized agility, explosive power and anaerobic conditioning
and followed an undulating periodization model. The control group, a college level team,
(n = 9) participated in regular practice sessions only. Three repeated measurements were
taken on the treatment group (baseline, at week 5 and at week 9) and two measurements
were taken (baseline and week 9) on the control group. Tests administered to both
groups were a vertical jump test, a T-test and an anaerobic speed test. A 2 x 4 MANOVA
was conducted to measure performance changes over time with the treatment group.
Statistical significance was set at α <. 05. Although statistical significance was only
detected when comparing week 5 to week 9 (p=.041) the descriptive results showed the
athlete's in the treatment group improved in all four performance indicators,. Follow-up
univariate analysis confirmed that the agility scores were significantly better at week 9
(p=.009). It was also found that the once individual athlete's training logs were
quantified, those who documented a maladaptive pattern also did not show improvements
in performance. A multivariate two sample t-test was also performed to assess
differences between the treatment group and the control group. No significance was
found (p=.308). This study indicates that, although both groups demonstrated improvements in all four performance indicators, the treatment group's improvement is
more noteworthy because they were initially closer to their biological ceiling. Also, the
training log in combination with periodic performance testing, supports the hypothesis
that these are excellent methods of monitoring an athlete's adaptive capacity and can
provide rationale for declines in physical performance. === Education, Faculty of === Kinesiology, School of === Graduate