Summary: | Muslim American high school seniors navigate their educational spaces at a time when the 2016 Election has unleashed a rhetoric that is riddled with Islamophobia. The experiences of four female participants engages us in their counter-narratives debunking stereotypes and assumptions that exist about their demographic. The formal and informal experiences of the educational journeys of these participants help us explore the role of family, faith-based education, mosque, and
community in the lives of these students. The social and academic learning opportunities for these participants showcased instances of inclusion and marginalization, where there were times when the students underwent a double consciousness. Transitioning from faith-based schools to the public education system became easier when positioned in a climate of diversity. The students' intersectional experiences of multiplicities of identity was a complex endeavor when it came to
acculturation, and the students traced their points of acclimation to American culture. Muslim American students experience a dichotomous pull between religious values and American culture and remain cognizant of these differences. Keywords: Muslim American youth, acculturation, Islamophobia, informal and formal educational experiences, transition, identity, Critical Race Theory, MusCrit, multiplicity, counter-narratives