Jack London's The Sea-Wolf (1904) and its translation into French as a Maritime novel, Le Loup de Mers (1927), for young adults
The French and English language comparison of Jack London's novel The Sea-Wolf aims to disclose a number of explanations as to why translators carry out their craft as they do. Pierre Bourdieu, the famous francophone sociologist, has developed a theory revolving around the agent, habitus, illus...
http://spectrum.library.concordia.ca/975547/1/MR34630.pdfKazakian, Arthur <http://spectrum.library.concordia.ca/view/creators/Kazakian=3AArthur=3A=3A.html> (2007) Jack London's The Sea-Wolf (1904) and its translation into French as a Maritime novel, Le Loup de Mers (1927), for young adults. Masters thesis, Concordia University.