Summary: | Despite the growing interest in joint management, there is no underlying theory linking case studies and offering reasons for the success or failure of joint management. Berkes (1997) proposed that four components are essential to the success of joint management: trust between the actors, appropriate institutions, legal protection of local rights, and economic incentives for local communities. Each of these components was treated as a hypothesis. The purpose of this practicum was to begin developing a theory of joint management by testing these four hypothese on case studies in the literature and a practical case study of the Windigo Interim Planning Board (WIPB) in northwestern Ontario, Canada. Established in 1993 for a period of 5 years, the objectives of the WIPB were to develop a land use plan, review development proposals, recommend consultation methods in the north and identify economic opportunities in the region. The WIPB made decisions by consensus and consisted of three members from Ontario (non-Aboriginal), two members from the affected First Nation communities (Cat Lake and North Caribou Lake), and one member from the Windigo tribal council. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)