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2006-Luis Henrique Lenke de Souza.pdf: 563330 bytes, checksum: 56f0e3194dcc3e1c3ef6e4dc74b4db7b (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2006-01-23 === This paper is based on a study of case that was done in the catering service from the
Thirty Second Motorized Infantry Battalion (32? BI Mtz), located in Petr?polis RJ.
This section is responsible for the cooking of the meals that are served in the Thirty
Second Motorized Infantry Battalion (32? BI Mtz). Looking forward to increasing the
quality and security of the cooking process developed in the Thirty Second Motorized
Infantry Battalion, the current study has as an objective to propose a methodology of
application of the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point system (HACCP). The
study is based on the qualitative method; and as a data gathering instrument, in-depth
interviews, direct observation, and files and documentation verification were utilized.
Initially, bibliographic researches were done, in a way to give foundation to the given
study of case. Second, the necessary data was gathered and the results were condensed
into three groups: results of characterization of the object of study, results of
characterization of the general situation and results of characterization of the production
flux. Taking in consideration this information and what already exists in literature, a
methodology of application of the HACCP system, focused on the reality of the catering
service of a military organization, was suggested. This way, evidences were sought that
the HACCP system helps in the control, and increases the quality and security of the
cooking process. Nevertheless, it was noticed that the establishment of the HACCP
system needs some preliminary measures, on the part of the individuals responsible for
the establishment and on the part of the operational level members. Thus, it was noticed
that it is worthless to introduce the system HACCP if the organization has not
incorporated and materialized the ideas and impositions of the principles of the
Sanitations Standard Operating Procedures (SSOP) and the good manufacturing
practices (GMP) to its a routine. Consequently, through the process of analytic
generalization, the objective is to extend the conclusions of this study to other catering
services of other Military Organizations. Therefore, the current study tried to present a
methodology of application of the HACCP system focused on the catering service of a
Military Organization and compatible with the values, culture and mission of the
Brazilian Army Institution. === Este trabalho est? baseado num estudo de caso que foi realizado no Servi?o de
Aprovisionamento do Trig?simo Segundo Batalh?o de Infantaria Motorizado(32? BI
Mtz), localizado na cidade de Petr?polis-RJ. O referido objeto de estudo ? uma se??o
respons?vel pela confec??o das refei??es servidas no Trig?simo Segundo Batalh?o de
Infantaria Motorizado. Visando aumentar a qualidade e seguran?a do processo de
confec??o de alimentos desenvolvido no 32? BI Mtz, o presente trabalho apresenta como
objetivo propor uma metodologia de aplica??o do sistema de an?lise de perigos e
pontos cr?ticos de controle(APPCC).O estudo baseia-se no m?todo qualitativo e como
instrumentos de coleta de dados foram utilizadas as entrevistas em profundidade, a
observa??o direta e a verifica??o de arquivos e documenta??es. Inicialmente, foram
realizadas pesquisas bibliogr?ficas, de maneira a embasar e alicer?ar o estudo de caso
desenvolvido. Num segundo momento, a coleta de dados foi realizada e os resultados
foram condensados em tr?s grupos: resultados de caracteriza??o do objeto de estudo,
resultados de caracteriza??o da situa??o geral e resultados de caracteriza??o do fluxo de
produ??o. A partir destas informa??es e do existente na literatura, uma metodologia de
aplica??o do sistema APPCC, voltada para a realidade do servi?o de aprovisionamento
de uma Organiza??o Militar, foi sugerida. Desta maneira, foram buscadas evid?ncias
que o sistema APPCC auxilia no controle e aumenta a qualidade e seguran?a dos
processos de confec??o de alimentos. N?o obstante, foi constatado que a implanta??o
do sistema APPCC requer algumas medidas preliminares,por parte dos agentes
respons?veis pela implanta??o e por parte do integrantes de n?vel operacional. Assim,
foi constatado que n?o adianta querer implantar o sistema APPCC se a organiza??o
ainda n?o incorporou e materializou em sua rotina as id?ias e imposi??es dos princ?pios
de Procedimentos Padronizados de Higiene Operacional (PPHO) e de Boas Pr?ticas de
Fabrica??o (BPF). Desta forma, atrav?s do processo de generaliza??o anal?tica, objetivase
estender as conclus?es, que foram atingidas, a outros servi?os de aprovisionamento
de outras Organiza??es Militares. Assim, o presente trabalho procurou apresentar uma
metodologia de aplica??o do sistema APPCC vocacionada para o servi?o de
aprovisionamento de uma organiza??o militar e compat?vel com os valores, cultura e
miss?o da Institui??o Ex?rcito Brasileiro.