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2009 - Cl?udia de Andrade Moura.pdf: 1773774 bytes, checksum: 32b0c84e574fc6692f8b7bcf05b86038 (MD5) === Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-29T13:47:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
2009 - Cl?udia de Andrade Moura.pdf: 1773774 bytes, checksum: 32b0c84e574fc6692f8b7bcf05b86038 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2009-12-16 === The educational work does not involve only the transmission of the knowledge, but the
pedagogic and political competence, where learning ove rlaps teaching and the student is the
learning agent. The aim of this study was to evaluate the reflexes of the application of
different teaching methodologies and educational games in the appropriation of the
knowledge in relation to the contents: Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and Sanitation
Standard Operating Procedures (SSOP), worked in the Agricultural Technical Course through
swine slaughtering practical classes, carried at the Federal Technological University of Paran?
(UTFPR). The evaluation instrument was a multiple choice questionnaire, applied in
classroom at four different moments: a) Diagnosis; b) intervention I (traditional theoretical
and practical lessons); c) intervention II (?innovative? slaughtering, with GMP); d)
intervention III (educational game application). Along the development of the intervention
processes the pupils were getting conscious about cares within slaughtering. The results of the
microbiological and physical-chemical analysis of meat, hands of the manipulators and
instruments surfaces sampled during the traditional (T1) and the correct mode of slaughtering
(T2) were compared. The first one (T1) proved to be inadequate and does not attend the
minimum requirements for safety assurance. The significance of the differences in the
numbers of correct answers between the different moments of application of the questionnaire
were evaluated by t-Students test, as paired data, and presented as boxplot graphs, in lines and
index numbers. A significant at 5% (p<0,05) increment was observed at all stages of the
educative process. The percentage of correct answers at the third evaluation was more than
70% as compared to the diagnosis moment, confirming that all the stages had been important
in the knowledge achievement ; especially through real data evidenced by the pupils. === O trabalho docente n?o s? envolve a transmiss?o de conhecimento, mas a compet?ncia
pedag?gica e pol?tica, onde o aprender sobrep?e o ensinar, e o aluno ? o agente desse
aprendizado. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi averiguar se diferentes metodologias de
ensino, bem como a aplica??o de jogos educativos refletem na apropria??o do conhecimento
em rela??o aos conte?dos: Boas Pr?ticas de Fabrica??o (BPF) e Procedimento Padr?o de
Higiene Operacional (PPHO), trabalhados no curso t?cnico em agropecu?ria, dentro do
processo tecnol?gico de abate su?no, realizados na Universidade Tecnol?gica Federal do
Paran? (UTFPR). O instrumento de avalia??o utilizado foi um question?rio de m?ltipla
escolha, aplicado em sala de aula em quatro momentos diferentes: a) Diagn?stico; b)
interven??o I (aula te?rica e pr?tica tradicional); c) interven??o II (abate ?inovador?, BPF); d)
interven??o III (aplica??o do jogo educacional). Com o desenrolar do processo de
interven??es ouve uma percep??o dos alunos no que diz respeito ao processo de abate. Foram
comparados os resultados das analises microbiol?gicas e f?sico-qu?micas da carne e de
superf?cies de instrumentos e m?os de manipuladores durante o abate na forma tradicional
(T1) com os obtidos ap?s o abate com interven??o (T2). O primeiro mostrou-se inapropriado
por n?o atender os requisitos m?nimos exigidos para obten??o de produto seguro. Para
verifica??o de diferen?as significativas no n?mero de acertos nas avalia??es em cada etapa,
utilizou-se o teste de hip?tese t-Student, para dados pareados e apresentados em gr?ficos
boxplot, em linhas e n?meros ?ndices. Observou-se um ganho crescente durante todas as
etapas do processo educativo, significativo ao n?vel de 5% (p<0,05). O aumento das
percentagens de acerto, ap?s a 3? avalia??o, em rela??o ? avalia??o diagn?stico, foi maior que
70%, confirmando que todas as etapas foram importantes na constru??o do conhecimento,
principalmente atrav?s de dados reais vivenciados pelos alunos