Summary: | 本研究藉由文件分析、文獻分析、比較分析、歸納分析及實地訪談等研究方法,分析教師評鑑的理論基礎、教師評鑑的性質與內涵、及探究英國教師評鑑制度之發展、內涵與特色,並對我國未來建立教師評鑑制度提出具體建議。
九 、教師評鑑不是獨立的工作而是學校整體經營的一環。
十三、 建立我國教師評鑑制度時機已趨成熟。
=== By means of documents analysis, literature analysis, comparison, induction, and field work of interview, this research is aimed at investigating both the theoretic basis, the nature, and the meaning of teacher appraisal, and the development, the structure and the characteristics of British system of teacher appraisal. Furthermore, some practical suggestions are put forward for our teacher appraisal here.
1. Teacher appraisal plays an important role in the trend of the professional ization of educational enterprise.
2. Teacher appraisal possesses multifarious purposes.
3. The mode of teacher appraisal should be flexibly modified according to the purpose, the target of educational appraisal, and the educational development.
4. The system of British teacher appraisal had developed stet by step and has its particular background.
5. The process of legalization is the key factor in the institutionalization of Teacher appraisal.
6. Both the dissemination of ideas and the regional experiments and studies are the significant prerequisites of teacher appraisal.
7. Complete and detailed procedures and multifarious goals are the key elements in the success of teacher appraisal.
8. Sufficient time and resources are important for promotion of teacher appraisal.
9. Teacher appraisal is part of, rather than independent of, the whole system of school education.
10. Teacher appraisal and educational policy should be connected with each other for the most benefits.
11. It is necessary to examine and modify our system of both middle and primary school teacher appraisal.
12. British system of middle and primary school teacher appraisal can be referred to for the improvement of ours.
1. The suggestions about how to advance our current system of middle and primary school teacher appraisal.
(1) Redefine the purpose of teacher's achievement assessment.
(2) Rebuild the range of teach appraisal.
(3) Establish multifarious ways of teacher achievement assessment.
(4) Reproduce the suitable procedure of teacher's achievement assessment.
(5) Reorganize the assessment committee.
(6) Extpand the application of the consequences of teacher achievement assessment.
(7) Ameliorate the appealing system of teacher's achievement assessment.
(8) Specify clearly the de jure roles of educational organizations at every levels.
2. The suggestions about how to establish our system of teacher appraisal. Five steps are raised as follows:
(1) The stage of planning;
(2) The stage of dissemination and communiction;
(3) The stage of the formation of consensus;
(4) The stage of legalization;
(5) The stage of implementation.
3. The suggestions for the future
(1) Keep on investigating in depth the teacher appraisal systems in developed countries.
(2) Encourage the school authority to take action on the experiment and studies of teacher appraisal.
(3) Take up the empirical studies of the relationships among teacher appraisal, teachers' professional development, and educational quality.
(4) Carry out the empirical studies of the relationship among teacher appraisal, scholarship, and pay system.
(5) Strengthen the studies of the current assessment system of teachers' performance.