I. Application of multi-Regge theory to production processes. II. High energy model for proton-proton scattering
<p>This dissertation consists of two parts. The first part presents an explicit procedure for applying multi-Regge theory to production processes. As an illustrative example, the case of three body final states is developed in detail, both with respect to kinematics and multi-Regge dynamic...
https://thesis.library.caltech.edu/8079/1/Lipes_rg_1969.pdfLipes, Richard Gwin (1969) I. Application of multi-Regge theory to production processes. II. High energy model for proton-proton scattering. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/R5YJ-NJ84. https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:02182014-114114913 <https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:02182014-114114913>