A Model for the Study of Very Noisy Channels, and Applications
<p>Very Noisy channels (such as the wideband gaussian channel well-known in deep space communications) have the interesting property that although the maximum number of bits transmitted per symbol is close to zero, the maximum number of bits transmitted per second is not! Furthermore, recent r...
https://thesis.library.caltech.edu/4461/4/Majani_ee_1988.pdfMajani, Eric Etienne (1988) A Model for the Study of Very Noisy Channels, and Applications. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/9AF1-K251. https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechETD:etd-11082007-085237 <https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechETD:etd-11082007-085237>