Quantitative Dissection of the Allosteric and Sequence-Dependent Regulatory Genome in E. coli
<p>Transcriptional regulation of gene expression is one of the most ubiquitous processes in biology. But while the catalog of bacterial genomes continues to expand rapidly, we remain ignorant about how almost all of the genes in these genomes are regulated. One of the ways genes are regulated...
https://thesis.library.caltech.edu/10623/7/Belliveau_Nathan_2017.pdfBelliveau, Nathan Maurice (2018) Quantitative Dissection of the Allosteric and Sequence-Dependent Regulatory Genome in E. coli. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. doi:10.7907/Z9DN438T. https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:01052018-221609680 <https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:01052018-221609680>