Summary: | The component values and transistor dimensions of a single stage amplifier are the only designable parameters which can be adjusted to achieve optimum performance. The resulting parameters can be set to form an objective function and constraint equations to graphically shape a feasible region which is a
polytope. The required optimum value of design parameters is then derived by navigating over each of the corner and internal points of the polytope shaped. Accordingly, the amplifier design problem is conveyed as an optimization problem termed Non Linear Programming (NLP) enlisting decipherable global
optimization methods. The present technique yields an automatic analysis of single stage amplifiers inferred from the specification values. In this paper, the proposed technique is first used to express the design problem of a particular amplifier circuit as NLP and then applied to a varied amplifier designs. Comparison of result with existing work implies a superior outcome with
respect to achievement of required small signal gain (Av) and unity gain frequency (UGF). The optimal trade-off curves related to performance metrics such as Av, power and UGF are derived in order to observe the corresponding dependencies.