Summary: | Abstract: I have come to the conclusion that no form of technology is likely to have much of an impact on our education system - at least not for a long time. Schools, colleges and training departments have a great deal of inertia and self-interest in preserving the status quo of classroom instruction... So while there is nothing technically wrong with the ideas of Clark, Parsia and Hendler for development of a semantic web, especially RDF and OWL, I don't see it having any near-term effect on educational practice. And I certainly don't think it likely that many educators will turn into "hyperk rep hackers".Paper: <a class="rev paper" href="/2004/3/clark">Clark, K., Parsia, B. and Hendler, J. (2004) Will the Semantic Web Change Education?</a>.
Editors: Terry Anderson and Denise Whitelock.