Summary: | Since red and processed meats consumption had been associated to hyperuricemia and gout, acid uric precursor’s analysis is important to the prevention of this kind of diseases. Uric acid and articular dysfunction clinical determination is an indicator of health due to their association with metabolic and cardiac illness. A technique to determinate uric acid in corporal fluids: hypoxantine (HXan) and xantine (Xan) by capillary free zone electrophoresis. A melted silica capillary covered with polyamide (75 μm i.d. and effective length 40 cm) was employed. Separation was done with a 30 kv normal polarity. HXan and Xan standards were employed. UV detection at 200 nm was employed. Migration times obtained were 5.3±0.13 min for HXan and 5.6±0.33 min for Xan (n=5). As conclusion, capillary free zone electrophoresis is a rapid, sensitive and reproducible methodology as compared with other reported in the clinical diagnostic, considering less time and reactives in the reported methodology.