Summary: | French literature teaching and TFA: From shared objectives to the development of good teaching practices. If the purpose and role of teaching literature in a foreign language – an important aspect of the literary education in the secondary school – have been sufficiently clarified, the educational practices are still an open question that can attract the active interest of the TFA trainees. The concept of educational practices is assumed here in a broad sense. It includes all those aspects related to the setting and organization of teaching that have to be managed by teachers, such as annual work plans, procedures and criteria for the selection of textbooks, types of tests, in particular the ones designed for State exams, assessment grids and more. There is no doubt, however, that one of the pivots of teaching literature in French is the approach to literary texts. If the historical and chronological model seems to be still widespread in Italian schools, other modular approaches offer the advantage of greater flexibility and are more likely to involve students born in the multimedia and digital era. On all the above-mentioned topics, the TFA trainees were able to offer relevant points of view and suggestions.