List of The West Wing characters
The television series ''The West Wing'' is a political drama series which was originally broadcast on NBC.During its seven seasons the ensemble cast of stars, recurring stars, and guest stars earned 157 acting nominations (often competing in the same category against other members of the cast) across a variety of award-granting organizations, earning 30 awards. Many actors noted for work in sitcoms appeared in dramatic roles on ''The West Wing'', including John Goodman, Alan Alda, John Larroquette, Christopher Lloyd, Ed O'Neill, Matthew Perry, Patricia Richardson, Lily Tomlin, Wayne Wilderson, and Daniel von Bargen. Provided by Wikipedia
1by Hugh Ramsay, Ian Kelleher, Padraig Flannery, Mary C Clarke, Fionnuala Lynch, Michelle Harley, Dearbhla Connor, Carol Fitzpatrick, Derek W Morris, Mary CannonGet full text
Published 2013-01-01