List of Kamen Rider Ryuki characters
is a Japanese ''tokusatsu'' series that serves as the 12th installment in the ''Kamen Rider'' franchise and the third entry in the Heisei era. The series follows idealist journalist Shinji Kido as he attempts to stop the violent Rider War from claiming more innocent lives than it already has.Provided by Wikipedia
1by Asakura Takeshi, Suda Tadashi, Shimamura Tsukasa, Sakurai Joh, Tobe Naotaka, Koizumi Satoshi, Jinnouchi Yuji, Enomoto Takeharu, Kawashima Hatsuya, Sasaki Takahiro, Segami Kohei, Watanabe Taiji, Nakano Hiroshi, Ichiroh Tanaka, Otsubo TakehitoGet full text
Published 2007-06-01