1by Whiteley, Lucy C.“...The poems of the Old French Cycle des Narbonnais are highly concerned with touch, paying close...”
Published 2009
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2by Janet, Magali“...Le premier cycle de la croisade engendre une écriture qui lance l’histoire de la communauté franque...”
Published 2010
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3“...Orable-Guibourc, a Saracen princess in the Guillaume d'Orange (or Monglane) cycle of <em>chansons...”
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Article -
5Published 2019“... with propaganda and support for the crusades and the attacks against the Saracens and the East. The crusade song...”
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Dissertation -
6by Ceresato, Floriana“... décasyllabes rimés et, en partie, assonancés. Elle appartient au Cycle du Roi et se place dans la branche...”
Published 2017
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