2by Cathriona R. Monnard, Elie-Jacques Fares, Julie Calonne, Jennifer L. Miles-Chan, Jean-Pierre Montani, Dominique Durrer, Yves Schutz, Yves Schutz, Abdul G. Dulloo“...BackgroundThere is increasing interest in the use of pill-sized ingestible capsule telemetric...”
Published 2017-06-01
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3by Steven Y Hong, Logan Jerger, Anna Jonas, Alfons Badi, Steven Cohen, Jean B Nachega, Jean-Jacques Parienti, Alice M Tang, Christine Wanke, Norma Terrin, Dawn Pereko, Abraham Blom, Andrew B Trotter, Michael R Jordan“...The visual-analogue scale (VAS), Likert item (rating scale), pills identification test (PIT...”
Published 2013-01-01
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4by Jean-Jacques Parienti, Thierry Prazuck, Laure Peyro-Saint-Paul, Anna Fournier, Cécile Valentin, Sylvie Brucato, Renaud Verdon, Aymeric Sève, Mathilda Colin, Fabien Lesne, Jérome Guinard, Meriadeg Ar Gouilh, Julia Dina, Astrid Vabret, Laurent Hocqueloux“... to receive oral tenofovir disoproxil fumarate and emtricitabine (2 pills on day 1 followed by 1 pill per day...”
Published 2021-08-01
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5by Laurent Cotte, Tristan Ferry, Pascal Pugliese, Marc-Antoine Valantin, Clotilde Allavena, André Cabié, Isabelle Poizot-Martin, David Rey, Claudine Duvivier, Antoine Cheret, Pierre Dellamonica, Pierre Pradat, Jean-Jacques Parienti, Dat’AIDS study group“...OBJECTIVES:Pill burden during antiretroviral treatment (ART) is associated with worse adherence...”
Published 2017-01-01
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6by John B Alexander“... characteristics of the provisions. Chapters delineate breads, liquids, fruits, pills, and on rare occasions meats...”
Published 2015-09-01
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7by Dias, Marcelo Kimati“...Orientadores: Paulo Dalgalarrondo, Monica Jacques de Moraes === Dissertação (mestrado...”
Published 2002
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8by Brégigeon-Ronot S, Cheret A, Cabié A, Prazuck T, Volny-Anne A, Ali S, Bottomley C, Finkielsztejn L, Philippe C, Parienti JJ“...-Jacques Parienti10–12 1Clinical Immunohematology Department, Marseille Public University Hospital...”
Published 2017-07-01
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