81by Hossein Mohammad-Beigi, Lars Kjaer, Hoda Eskandari, Farhang Aliakbari, Gunna Christiansen, Gianluca Ruvo, Jane L. Ward, Daniel Erik Otzen, Daniel Erik Otzen“... of this, we show that while protein extracts from the sugar maple tree Acer saccharum fibrillate readily...”
Published 2019-02-01
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82by Karen Y. Wonders PhD, FACSM, Rob Wise BS, Danielle Ondreka BS, Josh Gratsch PhDGet full text
Published 2019-04-01
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84by Meghdad Jourgholami, Azadeh Khoramizadeh, Angela Lo Monaco, Rachele Venanzi, Francesco Latterini, Farzam Tavankar, Rodolfo Picchio“... of the hornbeam and maple tree in three intensities of 3, 6, and 9 Mg ha<sup>−1</sup>. The results showed...”
Published 2021-06-01
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85“... images of clouds and fog. This design was combined with the mountain-shape of a maple tree. 2.Snowscape...”
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86by Croft, Richard S.“... maple tree species based on the appearance of leaves. One lesson (the control condition) was illustrated...”
Published 2014
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87“... of deer farm and Autum Maple Tree dryad legend to explain the population fluctuation in different tribes...”
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88“... maple tree (Bischofia javanica)- Taiwan nato tree (Palaquium formosanum) type on the flat terrace...”
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89by Ilga Jansone“...’, kļava ‘maple tree’, apses ‘aspen’, osis ‘ash tree’, alksnis ‘alder’, lazda ‘hazel-tree’, vītols ‘willow...”
Published 2014-12-01
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