21“... to fall into the practice of loan sharks. As an alternative, traditional market traders turn to Islamic...”
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Article -
22by Franco, Nicholas“... under fire. The new face of microfinance has included for-profit lenders, usurious interest rates, loan...”
Published 2011
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23by Choonoo, Samantha“... purchase agreements and loan sharks. The OLS and Median Quantile regression results for 2008 and 2012 under...”
Published 2016
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Dissertation -
24“..." and “loan sharks debt collection harassment"; 2) facing the family issues, including "family implicated...”
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25PEMBIAYAAN SYARIAH DI SEKTOR PERTANIAN: SOLUSI PERMASALAHAN RIBA DALAM PERSPEKTIF SOSIAL DAN EKONOMIby Pradipta Puspita Larasati, Sayyidatul Fitriyah, Tika Widiastuti, Dian Berkah“... the majority of which come from conventional lending institutions or even loan sharks and “moneylenders” based...”
Published 2018-03-01
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Article -
26by Rachmad Saleh Nasution“... pawn and loan sharks that requires the borrower to pay interest from the loans, which it is very...”
Published 2016-06-01
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Article -
27“... the country. Everything was at their disposal: the state treasury, loan sharks and their interests, trading...”
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Article -
28“... into the jaws of loan sharks. There are no finance companies in Taiwan because companies under Article 15 and 16...”
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29“... of their work, the collectors are often viewed as illegal private banks or loan sharks by society...”
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30“... by the government; the other two types are not, resulting in problems such as loan sharks and violent debt...”
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31“... of their pension money and that they lose this income to loan sharks. Some of the findings of this paper contrast...”
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32by Padayachee, Purshotman S.“... to resort to approaching unscrupulous "loan sharks" for credit facilities, which facilities are often made...”
Published 2011
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