2“... external pressure (it maybe bathyscaphe which is gradually submerged to the deep). Based on the Lagrange...”
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3by Valter Luiz Jantara Junior, Isaac Segovia Ramirez, Fausto Pedro Garcia Marquez, Mayorkinos Papaelias“...'s mission in 1960, on-board the bathyscaphe Trieste. Herewith we report on the finite elements analysis...”
Published 2021-09-01
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4by Vaskov, Alex Kikeri“... had returned to the Mariana Trench since the Bathyscaphe Trieste's 1960 dive. Currently little...”
Published 2012
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Others -
5by Σουλιώτη, Σωτηρία“... and the bathyscaphes. The second chapter is dedicated to the location of the region and its typical geologic phenomena...”
Published 2008
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