1by 張容瑜“... in the Cold War era, taking Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori’s visit to India as a watershed, Japan has changed its...”
Published 2010
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2by 張容瑜“... with the indifference between Japan and India in the Cold War era, taking Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori’s visit to India...”
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3by 林秀鳳, Lin, Hsiu-Feng“...外務省獨立運作的會議,僅能以增加無償援助和技術援助的方式,加強日非關係。2001年森喜朗(Yoshiro Mori)和小泉純一郎(Ichiro Koizumi)等為首的清和政策研究會(簡稱清和研),勢力...”
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