22by Blanc, Nicolas“.... differentialism; republicanism v. liberal pluralism. France and Canada share this issue of how reality is oriented...”
Published 2019
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23by Herbinet, Olivier“... with the guardian face of the leader liberator of France. Thus while putting the degree of filiation, practices...”
Published 2018
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24by Blanc, Nicolas“.... differentialism, republicanismv. liberal pluralism. France and Canada share the issue of how legal reality...”
Published 2014
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26by Alabsi, Dalia“... and liberator of France. In the literature rarely a character had given rise to such so different opinions...”
Published 2011
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27by Bemvenuti, Cássio Schneider“... mutações dos modelos de Estado desde a formação do Estado Liberal Clássico Francês até o surgimento do...”
Published 2015
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28by Saingainy, Marie“...Mgr Dupanloup est l’une des figures de proue du catholicisme libéral en France au XIXe siècle. À...”
Published 2017
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