22“... questionnaires in humor research and has been adapted to several languages. The HSQ measures four humor styles...”
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23by Baldwin, Erin“...Most of the extant humor research has focused on humor comprehension with only a few studies...”
Published 2007
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24by Falkenstein, Luisa Elena“... crises.This study can be seen as a small addition to crisis communication and humor research as well...”
Published 2019
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25“... in task force. Although humor research is thriving in the west world, I believe we have different...”
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26by Shuo Zhang, Christian J.F. Bertens, Roel J. Erckens, Frank J.H.M. van den Biggelaar, Tos T.J.M. Berendschot, Carroll A.B. Webers, Rudy M.M.A. Nuijts, Marlies Gijs“... from ocular tissues and provides further information towards aqueous humor research via alternative...”
Published 2019-12-01
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27“.... In summary, this study provides a breakthrough in experimental design in humor research, with the potential...”
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28“... in experimental design in humor research, with the potential to allow for the identification of the neural...”
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