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261by MELO, Carlos Alexandre Silva de“... de sincronização, como Dropbox, Google Drive e One Drive, tornou-se de grande importância para...”
Published 2018
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262by Gonçalves, Jussara Orige Bach“... um aplicativo de armazenamento e sincronização de arquivos, o Google Drive, e um questionário com a...”
Published 2017
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263“... as tecnologias digitais do Google Drive. Um balanço final realçará os resultados alcançados. Serão também...”
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264“... the Google Drive questionnaire template. This electronic questionnaire was sent to a sample of orthodontists...”
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265by Maria Margarete Fernandes de Sousa (UFC), Maria Cilânia Sousa Caldas (UFC), Sayonara Melquíades de Matos (UFC), Saniela Lima de Oliveira (UFC)“... no Google Drive, dos quais selecionamos, para explicação neste artigo, um de cada marca que possibilitaram...”
Published 2020-07-01
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266“... modificados durante la formación profesional, que se aplicó por medio de la herramienta Google Drive, previo...”
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267“.... O instrumento utilizado para aplicação dos questionários foi a plataforma Google Drive - Google...”
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268by Semíramis Bernardino Marinho, Ana Paula Vasconcelos de Oliveira Tahim, Tiago Bruno Areal Barra, Regilane Matos da Silva Prado, Rose Anne Holanda“... semiestruturado enviado através do google drive para o e-mail institucional dos participantes, juntamente com o...”
Published 2018-04-01
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269by Pablo Garcia Grangel Monteiro, Vládia Delmiro Rocha da Costa, Maria Eugênia Moraes“... Google Drive para 60 médicos veterinários e 70 alunos de medicina veterinária. Os grupos alvos da...”
Published 2019-07-01
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270by Martina Laktić, Krešimir Kuftinec, Asja Čelebić, Ines Kovačić, Mohamed Nasser Alhajj, Sanja Peršić Kiršić“.... Subsequently, it was set on the google drive and filled out by a total of 202 students from the School...”
Published 2017-01-01
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271“... kontaktbara, varav 56 villiga att delta i vår undersökning. En webbenkät utformad i Google Drive skickades...”
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272by Persson, Fredrik“... har jag som metod valt att göra en elektronisk enkätundersökning i en av Googles applikationer, Google...”
Published 2014
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273“... cuestionario de la encuesta fue creado a través de la herramienta GForms de Google Drive. Esta consta de cuatro...”
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274“... tree, to assess quantitative risk. With Google Drive as a similar database, and then link to Google...”
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275by Schutte, Marietjie“..., face to face mechanism, Google Mail, and Google Drive were indicated as main mechanisms to enhance...”
Published 2017
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276“... to use the Cloud Web storage”, “Networks to link the Cloud Web storage” love Google Drive of the Cloud...”
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277by Ana Carlene Ferreira dos Santos, Marília Magalhães Aguiar, Vanessa Vieira Lourenço Costa, Naíza Nayla Bandeira de Sá, Waléria do Socorro de Oliveira Ainett, Thais de Oliveira Carvalho Granado Santos“... janeiro a julho de 2016, através de formulário online desenvolvido no Google Drive, com informação sobre...”
Published 2019-10-01
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278by Deljerud, Hampus“... att dela sina tankar och idéer direkt över nätet via Google drive. Tjugoen koncept togs fram och...”
Published 2021
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279by Cederfelt, Ludvig“..., Dropbox, Google Drive och OneDrive är några av alla de tjänster som finns idag, de erbjuder lite olika...”
Published 2017
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280by Oliveira, Maria Orminda Santos“... semiestruturados on-line, utilizando formul?rios do Google Drive com quest?es que delineariam o estudo, para obter...”
Published 2016
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