1by Bruno Mussari“...Carlo Fontana’s projects of the Chigi Palace in San Quirino d’Orcia and Villa Cantinale in Ancaino...”
Published 2016-06-01
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3by Iacopo Benincampi“.... However, the complexity of the project, edited by Carlo Fontana and sent from Rome in 1686...”
Published 2015-12-01
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4by Giuseppe Strappa“... of the different palaces of the Chamber of Deputies in Turin, Florence and Rome. The proposal by Carlo Fontana...”
Published 2019-12-01
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5by Sibczynski Pawel, Dziedzic Andrzej, Grodzicki Krystian, Iwanowska-Hanke Joanna, Moszyński Marek, Swiderski Lukasz, Syntfeld-Każuch Agnieszka, Wolski Dariusz, Carrel Frédérick, Grabowski Amélie, Hamel Matthieu, Laine Frederic, Sari Adrien, Iovene Alessandro, Tintori Carlo, Fontana Cristiano, Pino FelixGet full text
Published 2018-01-01
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6by Adamczak, Alicia“... Luke and member of the Congregazione dei Virtuosi al Pantheon where he met Bernini, the architect Carlo...”
Published 2009
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