3“... (Brad Pitt) och en kvinnlig ambassadör (Marilyn Monroe).Resultatet visade på en skillnad mellan de två...”
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5“... the perspective of the photography. It was chosen an Oscar 2009 photograph – Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie...”
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7by Mashur Abadi“.... It also tells more about the heroism of Achilles (Brad Pitt) and Hector (Eric Bana). Generally, the true...”
Published 2013-05-01
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8“... people demand a specific knowledge, such as the marriage between Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, soon after...”
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9by Hustad, Jonas Langset“... regissør (David Fincher) med solide stjernenavn på plakaten(Brad Pitt, Edward Norton). Men Chuck Palahniuks...”
Published 2014
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10Exploring Sex Differences in the Neural Correlates of Self-and Other-Referential Gender Stereotypingby Jonas Hornung, Elke Smith, Jessica Junger, Jessica Junger, Katharina Pauly, Katharina Pauly, Ute Habel, Ute Habel, Birgit Derntl, Birgit Derntl“... to themselves. During the other-appraisal task, a prototypical male (Brad Pitt) and female actor (Julia Roberts...”
Published 2019-02-01
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11“... livre clandestino, em parceria com Tyler Durden (Brad Pitt), ficando claro, ao longo da trama, que ele...”
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