Suggested Topics within your search.
Suggested Topics within your search.
European history
General & world history
General and world history
History and Archaeology
History of the Americas
Literary studies: c 1800 to c 1900
Social and cultural history
c 1500 onwards to present day
19th century, c 1800 to c 1899
20th century
20th century, c 1900 to c 1999
Children's / Teenage personal and social topics: Drugs and addiction
For adult emergent readers
For emergent readers (adult)
Literary studies: c 1900 to c 2000
Literary studies: fiction, novelists & prose writers
Literary studies: fiction, novelists and prose writers
Literary studies: from c 1900 -
Social & cultural history
c 1800 to c 1900
421by Milene Suzano de Almeida“... sort of writing attached to the political, social and cultural events of the Belle Époque, we observed...”
Published 2013
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422by Maria Elvira Lemos da Silva“... despeito da Revolução Francesa, continuam divididas em várias subcategorias na Belle Époque. Por isso...”
Published 2016
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423by Vinícius Marques Pastorelli“... belle époque foi mobilizado, através da influência da lírica e do teatro de Frank Wedekind. Noutro nível...”
Published 2014
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424by Azevedo, Veruschka de Sales“... of urban transformations within a period we call Belle Èpoque hick, when the speech of civilization...”
Published 2016
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Others -
425by Maydana, Claudia Jane Duarte“... impregnado de uma ultrapassada belle époque na maioria das obras. Dessa forma dá continuidade a seu estilo...”
Published 2015
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426by Isabel Cristina de Oliveira“... política, social e cultural, era a verdadeira belle époque carioca, da qual João do Rio participou...”
Published 2010
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Others -
427by Torres, Tatiane Milene“... verdadeira idade de ouro na chamada Belle Époque brasileira e francesa, onde seus cidadãos vivem um tempo de...”
Published 2012
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Others -
428by Myriam Boucharenc“...Le reportage qui s’impose dès la Belle Epoque comme le genre phare de la grande presse d...”
Published 2006-09-01
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Article -
429by Robert Simonišek“... enthusiasm for this figure as a subject during the Belle Époque and also those that followed the very popular...”
Published 2011-07-01
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Article -
430by Svensson, My“... begins with the so-called belle époque of the Polish People’s Republic and the decade of Edward Gierek...”
Published 2015
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Doctoral Thesis -
431by Kleverson Teodoro de Lima“... progresso vivenciado na belle époque brasileira. Corresponder-se atravésde missivas, nesse período, traduzia...”
Published 2007
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Others -
432by Dante Batista Silva“... cultura europeia: a Belle Époque. A pesquisa se justifica pela necessidade de se discutir sobre o...”
Published 2019-09-01
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Article -
433by François-Jean Authier“...La tragique histoire de la « Séquestrée de Poitiers », qui a défrayé la chronique à la Belle Époque...”
Published 2021-05-01
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Article -
434by Steven Forti“... generación de intelectuales nacidos en la última década del siglo XIX, crecidos en la <em>belle époque</em> y...”
Published 2015-12-01
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Article -
435by Dariusz Kacprzak“... Objectivity, as well as other socially and politically ‘suspicious’ art works from the late Belle Époque, WWI...”
Published 2019-07-01
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Article -
436“... desvendar as influências estéticas na Arquitetura que inaugura a Belle Époque paraense, de cunho classicista...”
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437“... aparecimento das "revistas femininas" no Rio de Janeiro no período da Belle Époque. Em seguida, e tendo por...”
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Article -
438“... transformar ese Fin de Siècle tan crítico para España en un período idílico, en una Belle Epoque española. Con...”
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Article -
439by Offredi, Frederique“..., the "monologues fumistes" at the end of the nineteenth century, the poets and cabaret singers of the Belle Époque...”
Published 2011
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440“...'Ringo. Based on the slogan of "Back to the shoes Belle Epoque" as O'Ringo's core value...”
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