5by Steven Rosefielde“...Andrei Shleifer and Daniel Treisman recently rendered a summary verdict on the post Soviet Russian...”
Published 2005-06-01
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Article -
6by Fernando Dal-Ri Murcia, Newton Carneiro Affonso da Costa Jr., Flávia Cruz de Souza, José Alonso Borba“... of 1997; and Andrei Shleifer is the author of the three most cited papers in Scopus. ...”
Published 2008-07-01
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Article -
7by Meiklejohn, Luke S“... by Andrei Shleifer. We use these centrality measures to guide how to fairly attribute credit, and thus how...”
Published 2021
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Dissertation -
8“... and sale.Through Josef Lakonishek、 Robert W. Vishny、 Andrei Shleifer s’ equation the measurement of herding...”
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Others -
9“... firms.” Quarterly Journal of Economics 77(3), 405-442. 20. Morck, Randall, Andrei Shleifer and Robert...”
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Others -
10“... Sverige som bör konkurrensutsättas utifrån Andrei Shleifers teori om privat kontra offentligt ägande. Den...”
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