Summary: | xv, 107 p. : ill. === Businesses play an important role in the economic, environmental and social health of our communities. The public sector can foster sustainable business development through economic development strategies, policies and resources. This study evaluates the Sustainable Business Initiative (SBI), an economic development initiative intended to strengthen Eugene's economy by identifying barriers that keep businesses from being more sustainable. Using the collaborative planning model as a framework, I seek to evaluate both the process used to convene the SBI and the outcomes it produced to implement sustainable business practices. I assess whether the SBI changed business practices in Eugene and whether the SBI can serve as a useful model for other communities to engage in sustainable business development. I argue that although collaboration is a useful model to elevate the conversation of sustainability, more effort is needed to link the process with the outcomes to ensure long-lasting change in the business community. === Committee in charge: Gerardo Sandoval, Chair;
Michael Hibbard, Member;
Cassandra Moseley, Member