Summary: | Playback theatre (abbreviated below as PT) was developed by Jonathan Fox and his
wife Jo Salas in 1975. The Original Playback Theatre Company was established in
the same year. Since that time, the PT has been practiced in over 50 countries all
over the world.
PT is improvisational theatre approach, in which is never known how the
performance will look like and how it will be fulfilled. PT enforce learning to
spontaneity of expression in the code of conscious inspired creative developing of
unknown situation and existing in it on the stage in the same way as during Acting
with the Inner Partner(s) lessons. PT performances are developed in certain structure
and have stable course. That is how PT is enforced as ritual scheme, which has
purgative ability and artistic power able to gather people together and teach them
reciprocity, sharing and coexistence.
Basic principal of PT is storytelling of private stories, events or life experiences as
emotions, fantasies, dreams or ideas and sharing them by all participating. These are
thereupon improvisationally played back to so called teller by a group of actors on the
stage. That is how those stories are upraised on a higher level of theatre pieces.
Whether is story anyhow simple, difficult, deep, trivial, lightweight or serious, it must
be always foremost and it also must be played from this point of view.
It is not purpose to make fun primarily with it, but to use collective moment, in which
we learn to listen one to another. We also learn to respect others and their personal
experiences and their understanding the world. PT actors are not in the center of
public attention as during classical type of theatre performances, but they serve
straightly to audience´s stories. They enact them with humility and respect with
purpose of feast event experience.
This discipline interests me by its universality of being used in different types of
environment, by its richness of inspiration, by its education potentiality and by its
artistic value.