Summary: | Substances of natural or synthetic origin, capable of activating or inhibiting the functions of cellular receptors and thus contributing to the modulation of the neuroendocrine system through the pathways of hormonal signaling ("disrupting" the endocrine system) are referred to in the literature as "endocrine disruptors" (ED). Endocrine disruption as a form of mild systemic toxicity of chemicals and their mixtures is intensively addressed at both scientific and legislative levels. In 2018, progress has been made towards the introduction of a comprehensive European Union legislative framework for ED when a consensus was reached on the scientific criteria for their assessment and identification. ED research is supported by the European Union as a significant task of preventive medicine. Under the various Framework Programs for Research and Innovation, the EU has provided funding to dozens of projects and has supported projects under Horizon 2020 to develop appropriate methods for testing ED. The legislation on e.g. pesticides and biocides, chemicals (REACH), medical devices, cosmetics, food contact materials, water, toys, and workplace protection has been updated. Due to legislative developments, new intervention or preventive measures aimed at consumer protection can be expected, especially for...