Summary: | The Artistic Contribution of the Musical Component of Libuše Kurková's Pedagogical Work in the System of Music and Movement Education ABSTRACT The dissertation The Artistic Contribution of the Musical Component of Libuše Kurková's Pedagogical Work in the System of Music and Movement Education is a musical theoretical and musical pedagogical reflection, dealing first of all with the compositions by contemporary Czech authors linked with Libuše Kurková's choreographies. It is a musical component of movement games, dance choreographies, book publications and methodical manuals, radio programs for children, artistic documents, etc. It highlights the typical features of Libuše Kurková's pedagogical work, its novelty and its originality. It shows that she was ahead of her time, anticipating current musical pedagogical theories and conclusions from the research in the relation between music and movement. The dissertation brings the musical analysis of Zdeněk Lukáš's unpublished manuscripts. Of course, it also focuses on published compositions of the whole musical component of Libuše Kurková's work (P. Eben, Z. Lukáš, J. N. Nardelli etc.) as well as on her colourful texts and original ideas how to use them. As has been said, the work of Libuše Kurková is a certain phenomenon of the time, and it is therefore most...