Summary: | Summar7@issertation,,FromEros to Philosophy..,TomášHejduk) The studytries to answerthe following question:what is themeaningof thewordy'/ra in its specificusagein theconceptoffilo-sofia atthebeginningof theEuropeanculturď tradition? We answerthis questionby exploringSocrates'elaborationof the conceptof eros andhis relationto the godEros. We try to identi$ theconceptoffilia in Socrates'philosophymore precisely by displaying the conceptof eros in the sameway as it is elaboratedby this Athenianphilosopher. One of themain assetsof our work shouldlie in thecomparisonof theconventionalandnon- conventional(philosophicď)conceptionsof eros andfilia, in thesearchingfor anddescribing the differencesbetween taditional models of behaviour in ancient Greek society and Socratic-Platonicmodelsof eroticrelationshipsandits innovations.We intendto reveď how eros andthusfilia is understood1)by SocratesandPlato, philosophers,2)by thinkers living beforeSocrates,i.e. on thefield of religion,3) by Socrates'contemporaries,regardless of them being intellectuals (Lysias, Aristophanes) or not (Xenophon). We therefore contemplatethe philosophical conceptof eros from tfueedifferentpoints of view: from the meaningof filia in the notionoffilo-sofia; from the differenceof thetraditional(religious) conception;from the differenceof the...