Summary: | Title: The Differences in Using the Food Adjuncts During the Speed Canoeists' Training Process in the Czech Republic and in the World. Purposes: To compare the differences in using the food adjuncts between foreign and Czech top high-speed canoeists. Methods: Graphic comparison, based on data gained from questionnaires filled by foreign and Czech top high-speed canoeist kayakers (both males and females), was carried out. Results: Between the Czech and foreign high-speed canoeist we can not find any difference in selected types of food adjuncts. Both groups use vitamins, antioxidants (C, A, B, E, Q 10, multivitamins) and minerals (Mg, Ca, Zn, K, Fe, Na and multiminerals). Both Czech and foreign sportsmen drink sports drinks, saccharide-protein program drinks for quicker activation, matters for support achievement (creatine, L-carnitin and inosine), branched amino acids (BCAA) and stimulants (combination caffeine, guarane and taurine). We can see differences between foreign and Czech high-speed canoeist in choosing suitable type and dosage of particular supplements. While foreign high-speed canoeists usually consult specialists on nourishment or coaches, the Czechs mostly do not. All foreign informants claim to use food adjuncts in contrast to Czech informants. A part of Czech informants don't use...