Summary: | (English) David Fopp: The aesthetical, educational and political idea of being humane. Philosophical investigations in the field of "applied theatre" following Maurice Merleau-Ponty's gestalttheoretical phenomenology This dissertation analyses the most important forms of drama/acting-exercises in the field of "applied theatre" (acting- schools, drama education and community theatre) from the perspective of establishing democratic relations and spaces. What happens in these imaginative interactions and what is needed in their aesthetical and pedagogical framework so that a special type of playful meeting occurs leading to a "connectedness" in the relation to others and oneself? Three phenomena (and their interdependence) are central to this project: the already mentioned capacity of being more or less in contact, connected (or alienated) to ourselves and others; the aesthetical and educational phenomenon of a creative space of trust and acceptance; and the idea of being "humane" - for example describing the atmosphere and characters of many works of the classical (childrens) literature and film: such as Lindgren or Dickens, but even of works of art such as Chaplins films. This idea is explored by comparing it to three concepts of being "human": an anthropological, a moral and an ethical. The...