Summary: | Title: Motoric performance of pupils with different movement regimes Objectives: The aim of the thesis is to assess the physical capabilities of the pupils of the second degree of elementary schools. Another aim is to compare the performance of pupils with common range of physical education and pupils with extended range of physical education. Subsequently, the results will be compared. Methods: The thesis was conducted in the form of empirical quantitative and qualitative research. The basic level of physical capabilities was determined on the basis of the UNIFITTEST (6-60) test battery. The qualitative analysis was carried out by the means of the evaluation of histogram, using an F-test and a T-test. The chosen test sample were pupils of two schools with extended range of physical education, and pupils of two schools with common range of physical education. Results: There is a noticeable difference tested physical capabilities between the pupils of elementary schools with extended range of physical education and of elementary schools with common range of physical education. Generally, it is possible to say that pupils of the schools with extended range of physical education demonstrate higher motoric performance in the whole UNIFITTEST (6 - 60) Keywords: physical capabilities, testing, UNIFITTEST...