Summary: | Title: Developmental gross motor norms in early childhood (2-6 years): systematic review Objectives: Motor evaluation in early childhood is necessary to detect deviations in motor control. Knowledge of developmental functional milestones could make the examination in this age group easier. Goals: Creation of motor norms survey used for gross motor evaluation in early childhood. Study is based on analysis of multiple norm reference tests. Methods: Systematic review was realised in 2007-2013. Only norm referenced test was added to the study. Tests were integrated into study on the grounds of eligibility criteria. Analysis of test items was applied by one researcher. Source of study included electronic databases and printed monographs. Results: There was eight gross motor tests integrated into study. We used to analyse Gesell Test, Laurence Vaivre-Douret Test, Denver II, Brigance Screens, CDI (Child Developmental Inventory), MMT (Maastrichtse Motoriek Test), Movement ABC a ASQ (Ages and Stages Questionnaires) Based on tests analysis we detected 87 test items evaluted in the age period 2-6 years. Conclusions: Early childhood period is distinctive of important changes in motor control quality. Motor norms describes development of motor functions dynamic in the period 2-6 years. Key words: Motor...