Summary: | Title: GREAT CORMORANT (Phalacrocorax carbo) AND ITS STANDING IN THE BASIC SCHOOL EDUCATION Abstract: Great Cormorant is currently one of the most controversial of bird species in our country. It is protected under Decree 395/1992 Coll., where he is listed among the severely threatened species. Previously it occurred only sporadically in this country, a greater increase in numbers occurred in the second half of last century. At that time the numbers of not-nesting birds in our country grew rapidly, mainly thanks to strict protection across Europe. Simultaneously with the rise in the numbers of this species experts began to highlight increasingly the harmful effects of this bird species for fishing economy and call for its regulation. For these reasons, our basic school pupils should be taught at least basic information about this new and exciting species of our nature. The aim of the theoretical part of this thesis, therefore, was to develop a comprehensive text containing zoological and ecological characteristics, history of Cormorant's presence here and its protection in the CR and to draw attention to its consequences and economic problems caused by Cormorants. This text could serve as background information for teachers from practice, which may be well provided in courses of continuing education for...